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Virtual Team Meeting


Organizational Change Management is a hot button issue within most organizations.  As companies try to figure out their new business model to salvage the company or how to improve the bottom line they will continue to make organizational changes such as company mergers or buyouts.


The uncertainty of the company’s future leaves the employees afraid for their jobs and some will jump ship at the first sign of trouble.  There are ways to avoid losing great employees due to an unstable work environment. This workshop will assist leaders with the steps that you must take prior to an organizational change that will retain employees and reduce the stress and frustration that the employees are feeling.

  1. Leaderships role in organizational change

  2. How to prepare your organization for change

  3. How to adapt to change

  4. Explaining the New Normal



Conflicts are inevitable in every organization. One reason may be the fact that everyone is different. We come from different backgrounds, we have different values, different experiences and then we put people into a business environment and expect them to forget all of what they were accustomed to and expect them to conform to a new norm. Most leaders are not comfortable in conflict resolution because they have not been trained therefore they turn a blind-eye to what’s occurring within their organizations. Unfortunately, not dealing with the situation creates frustration for other employees which causes lack of motivation and productivity.  This workshop will explore healthy and safe ways for your employees to respectfully disagree but learn to work together to attain a common goal. It will also provide tools for leaders to learn to have critical conversations and assist them in gaining buy-in from employees that will help them deal with these disagreements themselves before leadership needs to become involved.

  1. Setting the organization's expectations

  2. Sharing the expectations for a safe and healthy ways to disagree

  3. Guidelines for implementation 

  4. How to hold one another accountable

© 2021 by PPICW, Incorporated

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